The total time of a refractive surgery does not exceed 15 minutes for both eyes.

Returning to work is for most possible from the very next day.

The macular hole is treated with glass resection and gas blowing.

The retinal membrane is treated surgically with vitrectomy.

Age-related macular degeneration is treated with:

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  • Anti-VEGF injections
  • Laser photocoagulation on parietal membranes
  • Surgical detection of extensive hypochlorite haemorrhage
  • No medication is indicated.
  • Argon-Laser Incision [if suspicious areas of the retina are found during the examination (degeneration – holes – cracks) then a condom Argon-Laser photocoagulation can be done to prevent retinal detachment (RD)].

Almost all patients with detachment need to have surgery immediately in order for the retina to return to its normal position. There are several surgical techniques that can be applied. The decision as to which technique to apply, as well as whether it will be performed under local or general anesthesia, depends on the characteristics of the detachment.

Glaucoma is an eye condition that can be treated mainly with medication. If, despite medication or the use of the Laser Laser (SLT Laser), the intraocular pressure is not adequately regulated and there is still a risk of worsening of the optic nerve, it should be treated surgically.

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye, which due to the blockage of the flow of aqueous fluid produced by the radial body, increases the intraocular pressure and destroys the ganglion cells of the retina.

In recent years, keratoconus can be stabilized with the Cross-Linking treatment method. Cross-Linking uses photosensitizers such as riboflavin in combination with UV-A UV radiation. It is a modern therapeutic method based on the molecular cross-linking of corneal collagen fibers, in order to stop the development of keratoconus.

  • Reduction of visual acuity
  • Sudden increase in astigmatism
  • Distorted vision at all distances
  • Insufficient night vision
  • One-eyed diplopia

Keratoconus is a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease of the cornea. It is a progressive disorder in which thinning of the cornea is observed centrally or paracentrically, resulting in a conical shape.

Cataract surgery is not painful.

The Femtosecond Laser enables the surgeon to perform specific steps of the surgery with absolute precision without the risk of complications.

Cataracts can only be treated with surgery.

The most common form is what we call “senile cataract”, which manifests itself in the context of the normal aging of the body and mainly affects the elderly. However, it can also be caused by diseases, systemic or ocular, from medication or from injuries (post-traumatic cataract), while it rarely exists congenitally (congenital cataract).

Cataract is the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. The crystalline lens, which is located behind the iris (the colored part of the eye), is normally clear. Light passes through it to reach the retina, the posterior surface of the eye. With age this lens loses its original texture and begins to blur. As a result, light does not enter the bulb at full intensity and vision is gradually reduced.

Although Laser systems are completely computer controlled, thus eliminating the possibility of human error, the experience and training of those who operate them is essential. A Refractive Surgery Center must have a complete set of modern diagnostic equipment, state-of-the-art Laser and its space must be specially designed to meet all the requirements for safe operation. Its staff should be experienced, trained and constantly informed about developments in the field of refractive surgery.

Refractive surgery with the LASIK method and the SMILE method is completely painless. With the PRK method the patient for 2 days may have several discomforts (eg burning, pain, photophobia, tearing) decreasing over time.

  • After the operation you will feel drowsy and it will be good to rest as soon as possible.
  • In the first hours after the operation your vision will be blurred, this is normal.
  • Returning to work is for most possible from the very next day.
  • Bathing: for 7 days you will bathe with relative care.
  • Driving: as soon as you feel comfortable.
  • Heavy physical exercise: one to two weeks later and in consultation with your ophthalmologist.
  • Swimming: after 2 weeks.
  • Avoid using cosmetics on the eye area for at least 10 days after surgery.
  • Sweat can cause stinging, but it is not harmful.
  • Avoid for a short time substances that can irritate your eyes (smoke, dust, etc.).
  • Do not rub your eyes.
  • You may have redness, sensitivity to light, dry eyes and possibly fatigue after long hours of reading. All of these symptoms usually go away after 48 hours.

Complications can occur as in all surgeries. In the case of refractive surgery applied for more than 20 years, it has been proven that with the new advanced technology lasers the intraoperative complications are almost negligible and are considered among the safest. The chances of infection through contact lenses are greater than the possible complications of a refractive surgery.

The result of a refractive operation is permanent, as long as there are no changes in the refractive media of the eye (eg lens, vitreous, macular).

The preoperative examination is performed by specialized ophthalmologists in our fully equipped space, ensures the correct assessment of each patient’s problem and leads to the most appropriate treatment.

  • To have completed the 18th year of your age.
  • Do not have chronic diseases of the cornea or retina of the eye.
  • Keep your eyesight steady for the past year.
  • Refractive surgery is not indicated during pregnancy, lactation or in case of possible pregnancy during the next 2 months.

The basic techniques applied in refractive surgery are:

  • LASIK Xtra
  • PRK