Femto FS-200
The Alcon Wavelight FS200 Femtosecond Laser is the fastest laser excimer in the world and is intended to deliver extremely accurate and predictable results.
Indeed, the Wavelight FS200 is currently able to meet a patient’s specific requirements in about 6 minutes. In addition, a flap is treated more safely than a flap that is created so that a flap is more resistant to damage and more durable.
It uses a femtosecond laser WaveLight FS200, with the technology “FemtoLASIK” and creates the highest speed of creating a fin (corneal cover).
Femto-LASIK is the newest method of laser vision correction from Earth, literally a new level of eye surgery. FemtolACIC is known as 100% laser surgery, which was performed using two capsules.
The WaveLight FS200 Femtosecond Laser is the fastest femtosecond laser available in the US, with a typical flap time of approximately 6 seconds
The swivel bed was built to maximize the time between fin production and laser procedures.